Mountain Works


Client Success Pipeline

Video Production

Directed, wrote, edited, scored, and filmed the marketing video, ensuring the concept was executed perfectly from start to finish.

Concept Development

Worked with the production team to develop a compelling idea that highlighted the versatility and durability of Mountain Works clothing in various weather conditions.

Brand Storytelling

Conveyed the brand’s message of blending fashion and functionality, inspired by the Scandinavian climate and outdoor lifestyle.

Enhanced Exposure

Created a memorable campaign that increased brand exposure and showcased the innovative, stylish designs of Mountain Works, appealing to a wide audience.

Role and Focus

I collaborated with industry colleagues to direct, write, edit, score, and film a marketing video for Mountain Works. The goal was to increase exposure for the brand and create a memorable experience that showcased the enjoyment of all weather conditions, particularly the cold, emphasizing the comfort and functionality of their clothing.

From Concept to Reality

From the initial idea to final production, I worked closely with the production team to bring the concept to life. The video aimed to convey the message that one can enjoy outdoor activities regardless of the weather, thanks to the innovative and stylish designs of Mountain Works clothing.

Scandinavian Climate Influence

Mountain Works creates functional garments inspired by the challenging Scandinavian climate, from mountains and forests to urban settings. The video has been utilized on Mountain Works’ website, social media platforms, and in paid advertisements as part of a campaign to maximize reach and engagement.

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